Hey - I’m Dr. Alex

I’m a political psychologist and personal coach on a mission to cure burnout and “stuckness.”

I see the world as a set of systems that aren’t really set up for us to thrive. They trap us in a relentless cycle of drudgery, stealing our joy, and disconnecting us from our authentic selves.

But we still can thrive. We just have to discover our own, “unique-to-us” formula.

This formula isn’t something a book or person can teach us. We can’t YouTube or TikTok ourselves to lasting happiness and fulfillment. We can’t hope and pray for life to sort itself out without deliberate and purposeful effort. That’s how we get lost, trapped in confusion, and feeding the fear and doubt that binds us.

And that’s why I became a coach.

With my science-backed three-step process, I guide you to uncover your path to fulfillment, success, and happiness.

I believe living a fulfilling, authentic life is not just a privilege; it's a right. Everyone deserves to feel connected to their purpose and to have energy and joy in their daily activities. Let's work together to make that belief a reality for you.

Learn about…

a fulfilling, authentic life is not just a privilege; it's a right

Me as a human

I believe in embracing life to the fullest, both in my coaching practice and outside of it. Here's a glimpse into what fuels my spirit and brings joy to my everyday life:

  • A Lifelong Learner: Whether it's diving into the latest research, exploring a new hobby, or taking on a new challenge, I'm always eager to learn and grow.

  • Nature Enthusiast: From camping and hiking to climbing and offroading, I find solace and inspiration in the great outdoors. Being in nature is my ultimate recharge.

  • Furry Family: My two energetic pups, Poppy the borderjack and Helix the fearless weimaraner, are my loyal companions in adventure and everyday life.

  • Gardener at Heart: My 400-square-foot raised garden isn't just a hobby; it's a source of nourishment and connection to the earth. Providing food for my husband and myself is a labor of love.

  • A Partner in Life: My husband, my rock, and my partner for over a decade. Our journey together enriches every aspect of my life.

My personal interests and passions aren't separate from my coaching; they intertwine and inform my approach. When I guide you out of stuckness and burnout, I bring the same zest for life, love for learning, and connection to nature that I cherish in my own life. Let's discover what ignites your joy and fulfillment together!

How I approach Coaching

My coaching approach is uniquely crafted to address the very problems we've identified in your life: the burnout, the feeling of being stuck, the relentless Cycle of Drudgery that keeps you from thriving.

Here's how I break down the battle:

Heart-Centered Exploration

Together, we'll delve into the inner needs that form your heart-centered hopes and intentions. This emotional journey will help us uncover the underlying feelings and beliefs that may be holding you back, allowing us to connect with the values you stand for, such as authenticity, fulfillment, and freedom. We'll work on nurturing these values to build a fulfilling and connected life.

Mind-Focused Solutions

With my Ph.D. in political psychology, we'll also engage your brain's craving for creative problem-solving. We'll dissect the external and internal systems that have trapped you, developing a personalized, “unique-to-you” formula that resonates with both logic and intuition, creating a clear path to success.

Authentic Human Connection

And the ultimate secret ingredient for success? Authentic human connection. I’m a warm, relatable, real, straight-shooting, and mildly sarcastic coach who achieves a genuine and authentic relationship with my clients. My approach goes beyond generic guidance; it's about forging a true partnership to defeat the villain in your life without compromising on frank and direct feedback.

Unleashing Your Potential

By combining heart and mind, addressing both the emotional and logical sides, and connecting on a deeply human level, we'll dismantle the barriers that have been keeping you from your dreams. We'll set you on a path away from the relentless Cycle of Drudgery, and towards a life filled with energy, authenticity, and joy.

My unique background

World-Renowned Expertise

As a research and consulting executive, I led the development and publication of the largest world report on employee experience. It's not just another report; it's the most widely read document of its kind. It shaped how organizations understand burnout, stuckness, and fulfillment on a global scale. And it gave me direct insight into the day-to-day realities of people from every walk of life.

A Voice in Influential Media

My insights have been sought out and published in esteemed media outlets like the Washington Post, Fast Company, Forbes, and HBR. This platform allowed me to speak out against the villainous systems that trap people in an unfulfilling cycle and to advocate for the values of authenticity, fulfillment, and freedom.

Proven Success with Top Leaders

How does my research and insight translate to coaching? Ask the C-level executives, aspirational directors, and VPs I’ve worked with. Together, we've battled the Exhaustion Vortex, renewing personal fulfillment in leadership roles, clawing out of burnout, and building stronger and more engaging experiences for their teams.

My coaching experience

Coaching has been a journey with over 1,000 individuals TOWARD fulfillment. Burnout and stuckness, feeling unfulfilled and discouraged… well, those are not confined to a specific demographic or profession. They are universal villains that prey on nearly all walks of life.

Here's a closer look at my coaching journey:

Extensive One-on-One and Group Coaching

I've coached over 1,000 individuals one-on-one and in groups. These individuals came from diverse backgrounds and professions but faced the unifying challenge of stuckness and burnout. Together, we've worked on breaking free from the barriers that were keeping them from achieving more, being more, and feeling truly happy and fulfilled.

Rich Certification and Mentorship

My commitment to excellence in coaching is reflected in my education and certifications:

  • ICF-ACTP Accredited Coach Certification and Mentorship: Trained at the Goal Imagery Institute, ensuring adherence to the highest coaching standards.

  • Positive Psychology, Imagery, and Visualization: Empowering clients to harness their positive mental capabilities.

  • Brain-Based Coaching: Integrating neuroscientific principles for effective transformation.

  • Ontological, NLP, and Integrative Coaching: A multi-faceted approach that addresses the whole person.

  • Certified Master Integrative Coach from IWA: A recognition of mastery in coaching, providing a unique holistic approach.

Why These Qualifications Matter

These certifications are not mere badges; they are science-backed tools and methodologies that I've incorporated into my coaching practice. They enable me to provide a tailored and comprehensive approach to your unique challenges, considering your emotional, intellectual, and practical needs. Together, we'll use this rich toolkit to defeat the villain in your life and guide you towards a fulfilling, authentic life that you deserve.

Connecting the Dots

From pioneering global research to hands-on coaching with people from all walks of life, my background is more than a list of accomplishments. It's a testament to my commitment to helping individuals break free from the sly and manipulative systems that rob us of joy and trap us in confusion.

Together, we'll use that expertise to help you escape the relentless Cycle of Drudgery and rediscover a life filled with energy, authenticity, and joy.

who i typically work with

Your title, your industry, your stage of life—these aren't the factors that define my clients. What unites the individuals I work with is something far more profound and universal. It's a struggle shared by people from all walks of life, at all levels of leadership, and at every stage of personal and professional growth. It's the battle against burnout, stuckness, and the relentless Cycle of Drudgery that saps our passion, inspiration, and joy.

From CEOs to College Students

Whether you're a seasoned executive grappling with the weight of leadership or a young professional trying to find your footing, the villainous Cycle of Drudgery does not discriminate. It entraps the ambitious and the cautious alike, binding them in a state of exhaustion, confusion, and disillusionment.

Rediscovering Your Passion and Inspiration

Are you feeling lost in your career, disconnected from your dreams, or overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life? That's where I come in. My coaching is a lifeline to those suffocated by the very systems that were supposed to support their growth and happiness.

The Way Out of the Exhaustion Vortex

Together, we'll forge a path out of the Cycle of Drudgery that is unique to you. Using a tailored, compassionate, and science-backed approach, we'll uncover your specific “unique-to-you” formula that reignites your passion, revitalizes your energy, and frees you from the grip of burnout.

If You're Stuck, I'm Here

If you recognize yourself in this story—if you feel the sting of burnout, the chill of lost inspiration, or the weight of the unending routine—I'm here for you. It doesn't matter where you're coming from; it matters where you're going. And together, we'll make sure that path leads to a fulfilling, authentic, and joy-filled life.

What results we typically achieve Together

The fight against stuckness, burnout, and the relentless Cycle of Drudgery isn't just about breaking free—it's about transforming your life in a lasting and meaningful way. Here's what the hard numbers say about the victories my clients and I achieve together:

Transformation That Lasts

  • 94% of my clients report experiencing permanent transformation after our sessions. It's not just about escaping old habits; it's about forging new paths that endure.

  • 96% would refer me to friends or family trapped in stuckness or burnout. It's a testament to the trust, connection, and genuine progress we make together.

From Stress to Serenity

  • Stress Levels: From a very high score of 36/40 to a low 14/40 on the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS).

  • Anxiety Reduction: From a moderate 13 to a mild 5 on the GAD7.

  • Easing Depression: From moderately severe (19) to mild (9) on the PHQ-9.

  • Banishing Burnout: From the highest level of burnout (5) to no symptoms at all (2) on the NPSIM.

A New Chapter of Joy and Confidence

  • Happiness: A stunning rise from 23% to 88% of clients rating themselves as often or always happy.

  • Life Direction: An empowering jump from 39% to 91% in confidence in their life direction.

  • Fulfillment: A profound shift from 21% to 89% in clients feeling often or always fulfilled.

Why These Numbers Matter

These aren't just statistics; they're the real-life stories of people who were trapped in the Cycle of Drudgery and found their way out. These numbers represent reclaimed lives, renewed passions, and revitalized futures.

Whether you're seeking to escape burnout, reignite your passion, or find a clear and fulfilling path forward, these results show that there's not only hope but proven success waiting for you. Together, we'll craft your unique escape from the Exhaustion Vortex, and we'll make sure it's a journey that lasts.

Please note that while these results reflect the experiences of past clients, individual outcomes may vary. I cannot guarantee the same results for every client, as success depends on various factors, including individual commitment, effort, and circumstances. Coaching is NOT psychotherapy and should not be used as a replacement, nor substitute, for medical treatment.

Learn from my past clients:

After about 4 months, I can confidently say that my time with Alex was well spent. I have clarity, a direction to work towards, and insight into the actions that help me achieve what I want to accomplish, and what actions fail to help me achieve what I want. That is gold. We now meet once a month to check-in, course correct as necessary, and keep me honest about my true progress. Thanks Alex.


The power in coaching, I have found, is to hear yourself talk through what you want to achieve. And having Alex on the other side, asking questions, pointing out discrepancies, holding you accountable, and being the support system I needed when I had no one else, well, I will be forever grateful.


I didn’t realize that I was burned out, not because of work, but because of everything I stopped doing for myself. And after a few months of working deeply with Alex, I learned that I, and I alone, have the tools necessary to prevent burnout. I am honestly the happiest I have been, even without my dream job.


Alex has always been there for me. Probably one of the most consistent people in my life. I've had other coaches, but Alex is probably the best. Not only is he a comforting presence, but he is also direct and honest. When I am not making sense, he tells me so. It seems as if he always has an exercise for me to do, a book to read that will help me explore something I am having trouble with more deeply, a wise saying for me to reflect on, and comfort when I am working through deep emotion. I highly recommend him. 


Reclaim Your Life

Break Free from Burnout and Discover Your Unique Path to Fulfillment

Your journey to lasting happiness and fulfillment isn't a one-size-fits-all formula. It's a personalized adventure, uniquely yours, waiting to be discovered. As a political psychologist and personal coach, I've guided thousands out of the trap of stuckness and burnout, leading them toward a life filled with passion, inspiration, and joy.

Ready to escape the Cycle of Drudgery and reignite your life?

Embrace your unique-to-you formula. Defeat the villainous systems that keep you trapped. Uncover a life filled with energy, authenticity, and joy. Together, we'll create a transformation that's not just temporary, but a permanent change toward the life you deserve. Let's get started!